Branimir Janković (EN)

dr. sc. Branimir Janković
Associate Professor
+385 1 4092 152
Wed 12:30-14:00
Branimir Janković is an associate professor at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University in Zagreb, where he obtained a PhD in 2014 with a dissertation about the theoretical and methodological transformations of Croatian historiography in late Yugoslav socialism.
Recent articles in English
“Building New Networks: Russian Émigré Scholars in Yugoslavia“ (in Stefan Berger, Philipp Müller (eds.) Dynamics of Emigration: Émigré Scholars and the Production of Historical Knowledge in the 20th Century. New York: Berghahn Books, 2022)
“Do the Dictatorships Ever End? Historians and Publishers under the Dictatorship in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia“ (in History in Flux, 4 (2022) 4)
“Croatia’s Knowledge Production on Kosovo around 1989” (in Comparative Southeast European Studies 69 (2021) 2-3)
“François Furet in Socialist Yugoslavia” (in Drago Roksandić et al. (eds.) Annales in Perspective: Designs and Accomplishments. Zagreb: FF Press, 2019)
“History-writing: Croatian” (in Joep Leerssen (ed.). Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018)